My Boyfriend Only Talked to His Mother When I Wasn’t Around, So I Decided to Follow Him – Story of the Day

Everything seemed perfect with my boyfriend, Shawn, except for one mystery: He only spoke to his mother when I wasn’t around. Suspicion grew, so I decided to follow him one day.

I trailed him to a secluded house where he met a distressed woman. I realized he wasn’t meeting his “mother” but had been hiding an affair. My heart sank as I overheard their argument. The woman, Keira, revealed Shawn’s sinister actions: He had exploited her financially and sexually, threatening to ruin her life if she didn’t comply.

Furious and determined for justice, Keira and I concocted a plan. We lured Shawn to my apartment with a staged romantic evening. After drugging him with spiked whiskey, we set about exacting our revenge. But as we defaced him with lipstick and took photographs, Keira’s scream shattered our grim satisfaction. Shawn wasn’t breathing.

Panic set in. I began CPR, but Keira insisted we couldn’t call for help. Fearing exposure, we hid Shawn’s body in the basement. That night, both of us were haunted by eerie sounds and the chilling vision of Shawn’s ghostly figure.

In the morning, the body was gone. Desperate, I fled with Keira to the bank to retrieve my hidden jewels, hoping to start a new life. As we drove away, I noticed a motorcycle mirroring Shawn’s bike. My paranoia escalated, but Keira insisted on taking over driving.

At a motel, our fears intensified when Shawn’s figure appeared, demanding the jewels. I realized too late it was a setup. Keira and Shawn were con artists, preying on wealthy women with staged dramas. I had called the police, who arrived just in time to arrest them.

With the con artists gone, a new day began. Despite the trauma, I felt a sense of relief and a glimpse of hope for a fresh start, free from deceit and darkness.

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