After Having My Kids, I Forgot How to Fall Asleep Fast and Soundly – Turned Out to Do That I Needed to Get Rid of One Thing

As a single mom to two young kids, Jake and Ella, my nights had become a battleground of restless tossing and turning. No matter how tired I was, sleep seemed elusive. My mind raced, and my body remained on high alert, waiting for any noise from the children.

I tried various remedies—counting sheep, meditation, herbal teas—but nothing worked. One night, while waiting for a remote work call, I stumbled upon Reddit posts about falling asleep fast. The advice seemed promising:

1. Clear Your Mind: One user suggested stopping all inner dialogue and focusing only on imagery. This sounded like a method worth trying.

2. Living Without Regrets: Another post recommended accepting past decisions to ease stress. I realized my lingering guilt about my separation from Penn might be keeping me awake.

3. The Power of a Sleep Ritual: A user mentioned that a sleep mask had become part of their bedtime routine, signaling their brain that it was time to wind down.


4. Imagining a New World: Several users talked about creating a calming mental space before sleep. One suggested picturing a beautiful, serene place, like a fairy-tale garden.

Inspired, I decided to give it a try. That night, I lay in bed and imagined a peaceful garden—vibrant flowers, golden light, and a comfortable bench under a tall oak tree. I focused on this serene setting, feeling my body relax and my mind quiet.

To my surprise, I fell asleep almost instantly. The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed, something I hadn’t experienced in months. Jake and Ella were thrilled to see me so well-rested, and their joy made me realize that my new approach was working.

By integrating this calming mental ritual into my nightly routine, I found the peace I needed. It became my sanctuary, helping me sleep soundly and wake up rejuvenated.

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