Someone Sent Me a Bouquet of White Roses with a Note — Upon Reading It, I Tossed Them in the Trash

My Tuesday started like any other—coffee in hand, emails piling up—when a delivery guy brought a stunning bouquet of white roses to my desk. My heart raced as he set them down with a note.

“Delivery for Rebecca,” he said, leaving me with a curious mix of excitement and unease.

Jenny from accounting raised her eyebrows. “Secret admirer, Becca?”

I forced a laugh. “Maybe it’s a mistake?”

The roses were beautiful, but something about them felt off. I hesitated before opening the note, my fingers trembling. It read: “You always wanted the spotlight. Let’s see how you handle it now.”

My heart sank. Who knew my secret? I quickly folded the note and stuffed it into my drawer, trying to maintain a façade of calm.

Jenny peered over. “What’s it say?”

“Just a cheesy line,” I said, avoiding eye contact.

Throughout the morning, I struggled to focus. The flowers sat there like a dark omen, reminding me of a past I’d tried to leave behind. I barely heard my boss during the meeting, and my mind was consumed by fear.

At lunch, overwhelmed, I grabbed the flowers and note, and tossed them in the trash. Emily from HR nearly caught me.

“Whoa! What happened to those gorgeous roses?”


“Not really my style,” I said, hurrying back to my desk.

The afternoon dragged. I was lost in thoughts about my past, wondering if someone had discovered the secret I had kept hidden for years.

Then, I overheard Lisa from sales and Sarah from marketing talking by the coffee machine.

“Did you see those roses on Rebecca’s desk?” Lisa asked.

“Oh yeah,” Sarah replied. “I got a similar bouquet last year with a creepy note.”

“What did it say?” I asked, stepping closer.

Sarah explained, “The note was about the spotlight not lasting forever. Alison from digital marketing sent it. It’s her twisted way of congratulating people she envies.”

Relief washed over me. It wasn’t about my past—it was just Alison’s petty jealousy.

I texted Mia, my best friend: “Drinks tonight? I need to unwind.”

At Murphy’s, Mia pushed a glass of wine toward me. “Spill it.”

I told her about the flowers and my fears. “I thought someone found out about Mark and my past.”

Mia listened and then said, “You’ve moved on. Don’t let old ghosts haunt you.”

“You’re right,” I said, feeling lighter. “To moving forward.”

The next morning, I nearly bumped into Alison. “Congratulations on the promotion,” she said with a forced smile.

“Thanks, Alison,” I replied, feeling a sense of closure.

Back at my desk, I found an email from Karen praising my performance. I smiled, feeling a warmth in my chest. I was ready for whatever came next.

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