I Did a Genetic Test after a Man Knocked on My Door Claiming to Be My Twins’ Real Father

Tom, a full-time dad, cherished his lively twins beyond measure. But everything changed when one day, an unfamiliar man appeared at his doorstep, asserting that he was the true father of the twins and demanding that Tom surrender custody.

Flour-dusted shelves. A path of peanut butter from an open jar to the living room carpet. Six-year-old twins, Kevin and Stacey, were causing their usual adorable chaos as their dad Tom tried to salvage dinner.

Tom’s life revolved around these two little whirlwinds.

From the moment their tiny hands grasped his fingers, his world had become a blur of scraped knees, bedtime cuddles, and the endless pursuit of the perfect pancake. Flour sprinkled his apron like a medal of honor, symbolizing countless baking escapades.

“Alright, alright,” he chuckled, dodging a stray spoonful of peanut butter. “Looks like we’re having an abstract art night with our sandwiches!”

Suddenly, the doorbell cut through the happy disorder.

“Is that mom coming home?” Stacey asked, her eyes full of curiosity.

“I don’t know, sweetie,” Tom replied, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. “I’ll go see.”

He opened the door, a playful greeting ready on his lips. But the sight that met his eyes took his breath away.

A tall, stern-looking man stood at his doorstep, urgency clinging to him like mist. The man’s eyes scanned the house, ignoring Tom.

“Can I help you?” Tom asked cautiously.

“Are you Tom?” the man inquired.

“Yes,” Tom responded slowly. “Who are you?”

“My name is Michael. I need to talk to you,” the man said, extending his hand.

Tom hesitated, eyeing the stranger suspiciously. “Do I know you?”

“No, but this is important. It concerns your children,” Michael insisted.

Tom frowned, confusion mixed with a touch of fear. “My children? What about them?”

“Please, just a few minutes. This is serious,” Michael urged earnestly.

Tom glanced back towards the kitchen where the twins were peeking around the corner. Reluctantly, he nodded. “Alright, come in.”

“Kids, go to your room, please,” Tom announced. “I’ll be there soon.”

The twins exchanged glances and scurried off.

Tom led Michael to the living room, tension thick in the air.

“What do you need to talk about?” Tom asked, trying to stay composed.

Michael took a deep breath.

“Tom, the twins—they’re not your biological children. They’re mine,” Michael declared.

Tom’s eyes widened in shock. “What? That’s impossible! Monica and I have been together for years.”

“I had an affair with Monica six years ago. She told me herself. Kevin and Stacey are my children,” Michael said.

Tom’s face flushed with anger. “You’re lying! The children are mine. I’ve raised them, loved them. Monica would never do that.”

Michael’s expression hardened. “I’m not lying. I want custody of my children. You need to relinquish your rights.”

“Get out!” Tom shouted. “You’re not taking my children. Leave, now!”

Michael stood, his expression cold. “Expect a court order. We’ll get a DNA test, and the children will be taken from you.”

He dropped his business card on the table and left, leaving Tom standing there, heart pounding, unable to believe what had just happened.

Did Monica really cheat on me? Tom wondered. Am I not their biological father?

When Monica returned home, Tom said he was going to the store for milk. But as he left the driveway, he turned sharply in the opposite direction.

With determination, he headed towards the familiar building of Mercy General Hospital.

Inside, the sterile scent of disinfectant calmed his racing thoughts. After a brief wait, a kind nurse explained the DNA testing procedure.

He needed his kids’ DNA samples, so he returned the following day after secretly swabbing their cheeks while they slept.

I can’t confront Monica before the results come in, he thought as he left the hospital after submitting the DNA samples.

A week later, Tom walked to the mailbox, anxiety knotting his stomach. The nurse had told him the results would arrive in a week.

With trembling hands, he opened the mailbox and found an envelope.

His fingers fumbled with the seal, his breath catching in his throat. Tearing it open, he scanned the clinical document, the words jumping out at him.

“Exceeds 99.99% Paternal Exclusion.”

He wasn’t their father.

A wave of nausea passed over him, swiftly replaced by burning anger. How could Monica do this? The years of scraped knees, bedtime stories—a lie?

Just then, a small voice shattered the reality he thought he knew.

“Daddy!” Kevin burst in, worried. “Stacey fell and isn’t waking up!”

Tom’s heart lurched as everything else faded away.

Rushing to Stacey’s room, he found her motionless, burning with fever. Panic surged as he scooped her up and hurried to the hospital, Kevin clutching his hand in the passenger seat.

At the hospital, a doctor examined Stacey and told Tom something that turned his world upside down.

The doctor’s next words hit Tom like a physical blow.

“Unfortunately, the tests show liver failure. Stacey needs a transplant.”

Tom’s stomach churned. “I should have brought her in sooner,” he choked, guilt gnawing at him.

But the doctor shook his head. “Symptoms often develop gradually. We need to run tests to find a suitable donor.”

“Of course, family members are often the best candidates. You should consider getting tested for compatibility.”

Tom’s heart raced. He knew the truth—he wasn’t Stacey’s biological father. The doctor’s suggestion stung like a cruel joke.

Ignoring the turmoil, he nodded and promised to cooperate. After testing, he called Monica, his voice tight as he explained Stacey’s condition.

Monica rushed to the hospital, worry etched on her face. She hugged Tom, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Monica was tested for compatibility, but neither was a match for Stacey.

Despair filled the air. Tom, unable to hold back, confessed about Michael’s visit.

Monica turned pale. “I… I’m so sorry, Tom,” she stammered. “I was involved with him, but the pregnancy was accidental. He left me when I told him I was pregnant.”

Anger boiled within Tom, but the urgency of Stacey’s situation pushed it down. They had no options left but to contact Michael.

“I’ll talk to Michael,” Tom said, emotionless.

“But he’ll ask you to…” Monica’s voice trembled.

“I don’t care. I’ll do whatever it takes to save my girl,” Tom said, walking away.

After a brief call, Tom drove to Michael’s house. A grand brick mansion greeted him. At the door, a uniformed butler met him.

“I’m here to see Michael,” Tom said tightly.

The butler inclined his head. “Follow me.”

He led Tom through hallways filled with expensive paintings to a large oak door.

Inside, Michael sat behind a mahogany desk.

“Mr. Lawson,” Tom began, trying to steady his voice. “Stacey is in the hospital.”

Michael raised an eyebrow. “And why are you telling me this?”

Tom breathed deeply. “She needs a liver transplant. You might be her only hope. Please, consider donating.”

Michael remained silent, his gaze fixed.

“There’s a condition,” Michael finally said, coldly.

“If I agree, you sign over full custody of Kevin and Stacey.”

Tom’s heart sank. He didn’t want to, but had no choice.

The doctor had said Stacey’s donor might not be found in time.

“Alright,” Tom said, resolutely. “If it saves Stacey, I’ll sign.”

Michael’s face showed a hint of surprise before settling into a smirk. He took out a file.

“Good choice,” he said, handing Tom the papers. “Sign here.”

Desperation overtook Tom as he signed.

“Thank you, Tom,” Michael said, taking the documents. “I’ll be at the hospital in an hour.”

Tom returned to the hospital, heart heavy. Monica looked up, eyes red.

“No! How could you?” Monica cried, learning what Tom had done.

“Stacey’s life is at risk. I couldn’t take the chance,” Tom said, pained.

An hour passed with no sign of Michael. Monica paced. Tom’s calls went to voicemail.

Finally, Michael answered.

“Where are you?” Tom demanded, desperation in his voice.

Michael’s laugh was cold.

“Did you think I’d donate my liver? I needed those papers for my inheritance.”

Tom felt crushed. “What do you mean?”

“My grandfather’s fortune could only go to me if I had a child. Now I have two,” Michael said, ending the call.

Tom dropped his phone, feeling despair. Stacey won’t make it. I’ve let her down, he thought.

Just then, the doctor approached.

“We found a donor,” he said. “It’s a match for Stacey. We’re prepping for surgery.”

The surgery was successful. The doctors assured Tom and Monica that Stacey would recover.

Relief washed over Tom. Ahead was a long road—to regain custody and mend his marriage. The path seemed daunting, but Tom was ready to fight. He’d face any challenge for his twins.

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